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CUET Agriculture Important Questions 2025 with Answer [Pdf download]

Author : Paakhi Jain

February 28, 2025


Overview: Looking for different kinds of CUET Agriculture Important Questions to gain better clarity and understanding of the topics covered in vast syllabus? Read through to ace your exam preparation for a perfect score!  

Do you know that agriculture is mapped as one of the important domain subjects for CUET science courses? This makes it an important subject that is highly competitive among students! 

To score well in the exam, the significance of knowing CUET Agriculture important questions can highly boost your preparation journey.

Go through the article to learn about the CUET Agriculture exam pattern, and type of questions that are likely to appear in the exam. 

CUET Agriculture Exam Pattern & Syllabus 2025 

Before knowing the CUET Agriculture important questions, remember that the CUET Agriculture question paper will have 50 questions, out of which attempting all the questions is compulsory. 

Criteria  Language Test 
Mode  Online
Duration  60 minutes 
Type of Questions  Objective 
Marking Scheme  Correct Answer: +5 
Incorrect Answer: -1 
Unattempted Answer: 0 

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Why is knowing CUET Agriculture important questions necessary? 

  • Focusing on CUET Agriculture key questions can streamline your study process, allowing you to concentrate on topics that are most likely to appear in the CUET exam.
  • This saves time and ensures that you are well-prepared for the most important questions.
  • By mastering these questions, you can approach the exam with confidence and improve your chances of scoring high. 

CUET Agriculture Sample Questions 2025

Exam analysis for Agriculture is the best way to understand the marks distribution for each unit, thus helping you prioritize the CUET Agriculture frequently asked questions that can fetch you good marks.

However, for your ease, and to help you understand the type of CUET Agriculture important questions, let’s take a look at them that appeared in CUET Agriculture previous year question paper.  

1- The relationship between climatic regimes and agricultural production is termed as:

  1. Climatology
  2. Agricultural Meteorology
  3. Agro climatology
  4. None of these

Solution: 3- Agro climatology

2- Extreme continentality is the characteristic feature of the

  1. Continental steppe climate
  2. Middle-latitude desert climate
  3. Tropical monsoon climate
  4. Savanna climate

Solution: 3- Continental steppe climate

3- The thermal conductivity in the soil depends on the following:

  1. Texture
  2. Moisture
  3. Organic matter content
  4. All of these

Solution: 4- All of these

cuet mock test

cuet mock test

4- Which of the following statements are correct regarding weather forecasting?

  • Very short range weather forecasting has a validity period of 0-72 hours.
  • Medium forecasting is the forecasting that is provided for Indian monsoon rainfall.
  • Marine Agencies uses data of short range forecasting.
  • Long range forecasting has a validity beyond 10 days upto a month and a season.
  1. 1 and 4 are correct.
  2. 2, 3 and 4 are correct
  3. 1,2 are correct
  4. 1, 3, and 4 are correct

Solution: 1- 1 and 4 are correct

5- The anemometer measures

  1. Net radiation
  2. Relative humidity
  3. Wind direction
  4. Wind Velocity

Solution: 4- Wind Velocity

6- It is defined as the ratio between the amount of water vapour present in a given volume of air and the amount of water vapour required for saturation under fixed temperature and pressure.

  1. Humidity
  2. Absolute humidity
  3. Relative humidity
  4. Specific Humidity

Solution: 3- Relative humidity

Check: CUET Marking Scheme 2025

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CUET Agriculture important questions (Part 2)

7- Which of the following statements is correct? 

Statement I: To drain from low lying area or areas having water due to embankment, lift drainage is used
Statement II: Ditch drainage is adopted in nurseries, seed beds and rainfed crops.

  1. Both statements I and II are correct
  2. Statement are correct, statement II is correct
  3. Statement il are correct, statement is correct
  4. Both statements I and II are wrong.

Solution: 1- Both statements I and II are correct

8- The process of separating quality grains from chaff is called as

  1. Winnowing
  2. Threshing
  3. Harvesting
  4. Irrigation

Solution: 1- Winnowing

9- Floor space requirement of a pregnant cow in an open areas

  1. 6 m2
  2. 7m2
  3. 8m2
  4. 10m2

Solution: 4- 10m2

10- Organisms in which either one or more chromosomes of a chromosome set are either missing or have more copies, are known as

  1. Aneuploids
  2. Haploids
  3. Polyploids
  4. Diploid

Solution: 1- Aneuploids

CUET Agriculture Important Questions PDF 2025

Click on the button below to download the PDF designed by subject specialists, considering the test's difficulty level and trends.

Key Takeaways 

  • Understanding the CUET Agriculture exam pattern helps you prepare effectively. 
  • Focusing on CUET Agriculture important questions saves time and enhances preparation. 
  • Use the best CUET Preparation Books 2025 to solve key questions and boost preparations. 
  • Seek guidance from teachers, solve mocks and previous year papers to solve as many CUET Agriculture exam questions as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the syllabus of Agriculture for CUET?

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Which CUET Agriculture book is required for exam?

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