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CUET 2025 Marking Scheme (Updated) Check Negative Marking

Author : Paakhi Jain

March 11, 2025


Overview: The foundation of every entrance exam, including CUET, is the design of the marking scheme to assess the test-taker's performance. Take a look at the CUET marking scheme 2025 and calculate your scores correctly!

The Common University Entrance Test (CUET) is a gateway to secure a seat in more than 280+ universities across India. Given its importance, you must understand every aspect of the examination, especially the marking scheme of CUET exam. 

This article provides a comprehensive overview of the CUET marking scheme 2025 to help you calculate scores and strategize your preparations. 

CUET Marking Scheme 2025

As per the exam pattern,  to answer questions in the test papers, you need to choose one option that is the correct answer or the most appropriate answer in the CUET exam

Once you have the CUET final answer key 2025, here is how you can calculate your scores using the CUET UG marking scheme: 

  • i. Correct answer or the most appropriate answer: Five marks (+5) 
  • ii. Any incorrect option marked will be given minus one mark (-1)
  • iii. Unanswered/Marked for Review will be given no mark (0)
  • iv. If more than one option is found to be correct, then Five marks (+5) will be awarded to only those who have marked any of the correct options.
  • vi. If all options are found to be correct, then Five marks (+5) will be awarded to all those who have attempted the question.
  • vii. If none of the options is found correct, or a question is found to be wrong, or a question is dropped, then all candidates who have attempted the dropped question will be given five marks (+5) marks.

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Section-wise CUET Marking Scheme 2025 

The marking scheme for all 3 sections in the CUET Exam Pattern is as follows -

Parameters  Language Test  Domain Test  General Aptitude Test 
Number of Questions (to be attempted)  50  50  50
Type of Question MCQ MCQ MCQ
CUET Total Marks  250  250  250 
CUET Marking Scheme  Correct Answer: +5  Correct Answer: +5  Correct Answer: +5 
Incorrect Answer: -1  Incorrect Answer: -1  Incorrect Answer: -1 
Unattempted Answer: 0  Unattempted Answer: 0  Unattempted Answer: 0 

Is there a Negative Marking in CUET 2025?

  • Yes, the marking scheme of CUET has negative markings.
  • Every incorrect answer will be given minus one mark (-1). Choose to answer every question carefully to avoid CUET negative marking.

Know more: How many marks are required for DU?

Calculation of CUET Marks 2025

The CUET score is calculated based on the prescribed CUET marking scheme used for the exam. 

Here are steps to calculate the CUET score for the examination: 

  • Step 1: Log into the official portal of CUET UG and download the response sheet and CUET answer key.
  • Step 2: Determine the total number of questions attempted in the CUET exam. 
  • Step 3: Use the CUET answer key to determine the total number of correct answers and incorrect answers
  • Step 4: Resort to the CUET marking scheme to calculate the raw score for the examination. 
  • Step 5: Use the following formula to calculate the raw score. 

(Number of correct answers x 5) - (Number of incorrect answers x 1) 

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Implementing the CUET Marking Scheme 2025 

  • According to the university's eligibility requirements, standards, laws, regulations, guidelines, or rules, other organizations can utilize the CUET (UG) 2025 scores or results. 
  • The University, Institution, or Organization can admit any applicant who has applied for the CUET (UG) - 2025 exam, regardless of whether the candidate had selected that University, Institution, or Organization when filling out the CUET application form 2025.
  • The applicant must also fulfil the prerequisites for enrollment in the specific course. 
  • Only raw (actual) marks obtained by you according to the CUET marking pattern in different shifts/sessions will be used.
  • The NTA Score of CUET (UG) – 2025 is only valid for admission to the academic year 2025. 

CUET Re-Evaluation Process 2025 

  • The CUET Final Answer Keys will be used to process the results.
  • Following the announcement of the CUET results, no complaints regarding the Answer Key(s) will be considered. 
  • The scores achieved through the CUET exam marking scheme will be considered further when calculating the CUET (UG) 2025 outcome. 
  • The CUET result cannot be reevaluated or double-checked. In this regard, no correspondence will be taken into consideration. 
  • You are advised to download your scorecard from the CUET official website, as no scorecards will be sent out through any other medium. 

Why is understanding the CUET marking scheme 2025 important? 

Here are a few crucial pointers supporting the importance of the CUET marking system 2025: 

  • Strategizing Attempts: Knowing the penalty for wrong answers can help you decide whether to take a risk on uncertain answers or skip them. 
  • Enhancing Accuracy: By being aware of the CUET negative marking rules, you can focus on accuracy over quantity, ensuring you attempt questions you are confident about. 
  • Calculating Probable Score: Post-examination, you can use the marking scheme of CUET to estimate the tentative scores using the answer key to check whether you clear the tentative CUET Cut-Off for your desired courses and universities.

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CUET Marking Scheme for PG Exam 2025 

Like the CUET UG marking scheme, NTA has a marking scheme for CUET PG test, which is listed below.

  • i) Each question carries 04 (four) marks
  • ii) For each correct response, the candidate will get 04 (four) marks
  • iii) For each incorrect response, 01 (one) mark will be deducted from the total score
  • iv) Unanswered/unattempted responses will be given no marks
  • v) To answer a question, the candidate needs to choose one option as the correct option
  • vi) However, after the process of challenges of the Answer Key, if there are multiple correct options or changes in the key, only those candidates who have attempted it correctly as per the revised Final Answer Key will be awarded marks. 
  • vii) In case a question is dropped due to some technical error, full marks shall be given to all the candidates, regardless of who has attempted it or not. 

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Key Takeaways

The CUET marking scheme 2025, with its blend of positive and negative markings, is designed to assess your genuine knowledge and understanding of the subjects. Being well-acquainted with the CUET marking pattern is important since it allows you to navigate the examination with a clear CUET preparation strategy.

Remember, while securing high marks is essential, ensuring that you don't lose marks due to avoidable mistakes is equally crucial. 

  • CUET uses a marking scheme of +5 marks for correct answers, -1 marks for incorrect answers, and 0 marks for unanswered questions.
  • Multiple correct answers can result in +5 marks for any selected correct option.
  • CUET scores are not subject to reevaluation, and results are considered final.
  • Understanding the marking scheme helps strategise and optimise performance during the CUET exam.

Frequently Asked Questions

How are Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) evaluated in CUET?

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How can I calculate my scores using the CUET marking scheme?

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Is there a provision for multiple correct answers in CUET?

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What happens if none of the options for a question is correct in CUET?

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Is there negative marking in CUET?

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How long is the CUET score valid for admission?

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